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Suzy lives in Cairo, Egypt and has been married for more than 24 years. She is a Tirzah Global Leader and the Director of AWEMA. Suzy works with girls and women to support their leadership development across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Suzy’s programs support women across MENA through discipleship groups, awareness-raising seminars for women, prison visits, sewing and vocational training centers, and a Women’s Academy for leadership development that uses Tirzah’s Emerging Leaders curriculum. Suzy see the biggest challenge for women being the male dominant culture where many women are marginalized and oppressed. Their roles are limited to taking care of their families. They are unable to assume leadership positions. Suzy’s wish is for women to know they’re valued and to take on roles in the church, families, and communities.


  • Praise God for the group of women who we graduated from the AWEMA Women’s Academy. This two-year program incorporates the Emerging Leader Program. Esme was present for the celebration!

  • Praise God for the safety of Stella (AWEMA ministry leader in Sudan) and her successful trip from Sudan to Egypt in 2023. We continue to support Sudanese refugees in Egypt through small business skills trainings (like the sewing course), trauma care, and food support when possible.

Prayer Requests:

  • In 2024:

    • Personally: I want to accomplish what's on God's heart for my ministry in 2024.

    • For my team: For each one to understand what God wants her to do in ministry, to have a clear vision, and to have grace to grow in faith, in her walk with the Lord and in ministry.

    • For the ministry: To grow and expand; and that we may serve women in more Arab countries that we haven’t been able to reach for years.

  • Pray for our new group in the AWEMA Women Academy. We had our second in-person meeting in January.

  • Pray for the second group going through the sewing training for Sudanese women. Pray for their time together in the training because we are going to have a spiritual time every day they will meet.

October 1

Zsuzsa Onasoga Cernai

October 3

Esther Njambi Mbugua