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Zsuzsa Onasoga Cernai

Zsuzsa lives in the northern region of Serbia and is married with two adult children. For almost three decades, Zsuzsa has served in her local church, Logos Christian Fellowship, where her husband is the pastor. She leads the women’s ministry and also works as a counselor, teacher, and camp organizer for Hana’s Hope, an NGO helping families with disabilities.

A great challenge in her region is that mothers with children with disabilities are marginalized. Churches don’t know how to approach and serve them. Zsuzsa’s dream is to support these moms so they find Jesus, community in the church, and employment. She is passionate about counseling and teaching about mental health, and mentoring young women to find their calling.


  • I am praising God for his faithfulness in 2023. He opened doors for me to serve women in wonderful ways and provided protection, strength, wisdom, grace, and love. In my weakness He was strong. 

  • Praise God for so many changed lives, victories, miracles, steps forwards, and decisions to grow.

  • I am praising God for the doors he continues to open. I am walking through them and with more confidence am saying, “Yes!”

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for faithfulness in my walk with Jesus, to grow closer to Him more and more.

  • Pray for continuous wisdom for my mentees and me as we seek His will and plan for our lives. 

  • Pray for me to dream big! Pray that my vision would be His and that I would dare to step out and encourage others to do the same. 

  • Pray for wide open doors and courage for all involved to walk through those next year.

October 2
