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Dieda Anita Gouentoueu

Anita is married and has one son. She lives in Canada and works remotely with her mother Madeleine Gouentoueu with FAM where she is in charge of external partnership and projects. Anita is Tirzah’s Microenterprise Director and helps with the Emerging Leader Initiative. She is grateful for the opportunity to help women know their value and worth. Anita sees the challenge in Africa of facing systems that prevent women especially Christian women from becoming leaders in Africa.

Through their partnership with Tirzah, they have been able to implement the microenterprise and the Emerging Leaders program. This helps with teaching the women to know their value. They would like to create more microenterprise programs to help women be more independent.


  • Thank God for the Emerging Leader Program. God has been faithful during this journey.

Prayer Requests:

  • I would like God to give me strength to be able to do His work and also continue my professional career. I pray for the Holy Spirit to also be my guide.

  • Pray for our Get HOPE small-business training program as we launched it in new countries.

October 20

Victoria Sanjenbam Devi 

October 22

Tirzah Leadership