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Madalena Gomes

Madalena lives in Pretoria, South Africa. Her ministry focus is leadership development and she works with church leaders from the Portuguese speaking countries in Africa. Madalena is a missionary from Brazil and has her own project registered nonprofit, MoveMe Project.

“African women are very resilient. They are hardworking, creative, and dedicated to serving the Kingdom of God. Many are involved in serving their communities. Despite all of this, many suffer from cultural and family traditions that force them to leave school and marry prematurely. This becomes a great challenge as they try to follow their  dreams and discover their potential and purpose. I have always tried to show them the possibilities and paths they can follow, even in the face of difficulty.”

Madalena’s dream is to see community development centers that include business and income generation opportunities in each country and region where she serves.


  • The Lord for a time of growth in my spiritual life and ministry. Praise him for his loving kindness in sustaining me and providing for all my needs.  

Prayer Requests: 

  • I have been writing devotions and sending them to about 200 people on WhatsApp. Some people have replied to me that they are forwarding it to their groups. Please pray  that God's Word will speak into peoples hearts and do what he wants to. Some friends receiving the messages are not yet believers. Pray for salvation, for healing (lots of suffering friends) and for me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as I write. I recently finished the book of John (chapter-by-chapter) and now I am on the book of Acts. 

  • I am also busy with a master's program studying Global Leadership at Fuller Seminary.  Please pray for endurance as I work on readings, assignments, and final papers for each  class.  

October 4


October 6

Esme Bowers