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Sophie Mengistu

Sophie lives in Addis Ababa with her husband where they pastor a thriving church, Beza. Beza’s community outreach program includes one of Tirzah’s most successful microenterprise programs on Entoto Mountain which serves hundreds of marginalized and HIV-impacted women as they launch dozens of small businesses and co-ops!


  • Praise for God’s intervention in the country in many ways. For now, there is no more war.


  • I am asking prayers for reaching out to the women that were raped during the war. I have to get to them, to love on them. I will support them with pads, underwear, and some money I collected from family and friends but mostly to encourage and love them.

  • I also want to talk to the community that marginalizes them. They should be respected, not marginalized. They are going to listen and accept me because Beza has a good name.

October 27

Aramatou Cko