Tirzah International
Tirzah was one of the first Christian empowerment organizations equipping local female leaders to pursue justice and healing in their contexts. This tradition continues today as we work together as catalysts, connectors, capacity builders.
While faith is important to us, we believe in advancing gender justice for all women.
Learn more about us below!
Tirzah partners with a network of global female leaders to create opportunities for women to discover their God-given potential.
We envision a global community of change-makers working together to create a more equitable world for all women and girls.

The Story of Tirzah
In the ancient Hebrew text, we find a small set of verses that speak to God’s heart for women. In Numbers 27 we learn about the five daughters of Zelophehad.
When Zelophehad dies, Tirzah and her four sisters bravely approach Moses and the leaders of Israel. With no brothers, everything their father owned would be passed on to a male relative leaving the sisters destitute. Their bold and unusual request was for their father’s name and land rights to live on.
Moses brought their case before the Lord. God Himself granted their request, changing the inheritance laws for women in Israel from that time forward.
Tirzah has inspired generations of women to use their voice and lead the way for women's rights in their communities. She represents the women in our network - courageous world changers who stand for justice and dignity for all girls and women. Standing together, we are encouraged to realize our full potential as beloved by God and to advocate for a more just, beautiful world for women everywhere.
Team Tirzah
Tirzah International
The history of Tirzah International began more than thirty years ago as a vision to create a network of global women leaders who advocated for the women and children in their communities. The initial network launched in 1990 with the AD2000 Women’s Track led by Lorry Lutz. Ten years later, this network joined Global Action to become Women of Global Action under the leadership of Emily Voorhies who had first-hand knowledge of the tremendous responsibility women carry, and the plight of women and girls in many nations. She expressed her hope to “see women trained, equipped, and released to be all God wants them to be.” In 2011, the time had arrived to become an independent ministry. Tirzah International was launched by Emily with a focus on addressing the critical issues impacting women and girls in our world today, especially poverty and lack of education. Tirzah's three core initiatives—Small-Business Training, Leadership, and Sustainability Initiates—have impacted thousands of women in more than 35 countries. Tirzah is unique in its calling as one of the first Christian organizations aimed at equipping and empowering indigenous female leaders to pursue justice in their own contexts, helping their sisters rise in hope and dignity to achieve their God-given potential.